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Study on synthesis of Geologocal Environment at Horonobe area; A Technical review

戸井田 克*; 須山 泰宏*; 塩釜 幸弘*; 渥美 博行*; 阿部 泰典*; 古市 光昭*

Toida, Masaru*; Suyama, Yasuhiro*; Shiogama, Yukihiro*; Atsumi, Hiroyuki*; Abe, Yasunori*; Furuichi, Mitsuaki*


In this study, through development of cnceptual models of geological environment based on those data, the flows from data collection to modeling, which have been constructed independently for each geological environment of geology / geological structure , hydrogeology, geochemistry of groundwater and rock mechanics , were synthesized , adn a systematic approach includeing process from investigation of geological environment to its modeling was established , which is expected to ensure objectivity and raceability of the design and safety assessment of a disposal system.



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