※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

我が国を対象とした地下水流動解析 その1-中部日本を対象とした地下水流動解析-

Groundwater flow analyses in Japan; Part 1 : Groundwater flow analyses in central Japan

柳沢 孝一; 今井 久; 古屋 和夫; 若松 尚則; 梅田 浩司

Yanagizawa, Koichi; Imai, Hisashi; not registered; Wakamatsu, Hisanori; Umeda, Koji


Groundwater flow was analysed in the two areas of different scale situated in central Japan, in order to estimate hydrological condition existing at the deep underground in Japan. For the analysis in the Central Japan area (300 $$times$$ 500km $$times$$ 10km deep), a hydrogeological model (a model expressing distribution of hydraulic conductivity) was built up with data from literature published so far. The model in the Tono area (8 $$times$$ 7km $$times$$ 3km deep) which is a part of the Central Japan area, a hydrogeological model was built up with field data from the area studied. Based on these models, steady state three-dimensional groundwater flow under a saturated-unsaturated condition was calculated by means of FEM. The results are as follows: (1)In the Central Japan area, distribution of piezometric head harmonizes with topography in the area. (2)In the Tono area, distribution of piezometric head in the sub-surface part is governed by local topography, while that in the deeper part is governed by underlying regional topography. (3)In both areas, vertical variation of piezometric head is rather small without the shallow part, which indicates hydrostatic distribution. (4)Hydraulic gradient is less than 0.04 in the most part below GL-500m in both areas. (5)The results of the analysis in the Central Japan area show that types of distribution of hydraulic conductivity below EL-3,000m, of relationship between saturation ratio and pressure head, and of lateral boundary condition, do not remarkably affect the flow situation.



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