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Report No.

Laboratory work to examine microbial effects on redox and quantification of the effects of microbiological perturbations on the geological disposal of HLW (TRU)

Yoshida, Hidekazu; Hama, Katsuhiro ; West, J. M.*; Bateman, K.*; Milodowski, A. E.*; Baker, S. J.*; Coombs, P.*; Hards, V. L.*; Spiro, B.*; Wetton, P. D.*

In April 1997 the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC)commissioned a Three-Task project from the Bretish Geological Survey (BGS). Task 1 was a continuation of work started in 1996 to examine microbial effects on redox and to quantify the effects of microbiological perturbations on the geological disposal of HLW(TRU). Task 2 was commissioned to provide information on theTsukiyoshi Fault for use in ongoing work at the Tono Geoscience Centre. Task 3 was to draft a Technical programme for use in ongoing work at the Tono Geoscience Centre.Task 3 was to draft a Technical programme for a geochemical study of the Tono site. This report details the results of Task 1, undertaken in 1998/99.



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