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An Overview of the MIZ-1 Borehole Investigations during Phase I/II


太田 久仁雄 ; 竹内 真司; 池田 幸喜; 天野 健治  ; 松岡 稔幸; 藪内 聡; 岩月 輝希  

Ota, Kunio; Takeuchi, Shinji; Koki, Ikeda; Kenji, Amano; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Yabuuchi, Satoshi; Iwatsuki, Teruki


The MIZ-1 borehole investigation programme was launced in December 2002, as a step of the surface-based investigations at the MIU Site. In MIZ-1 Phase I/II (from March to May 2003), the borehole was drilled down to 123m in the uppermost part of the basement granite and geological, geophysical, hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations were performed. Quality-controlled data on geology, hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of the sedimentary overburden and the basement granite were acquired, therby advancing the understanding of the shallow geological environment at the MIU Site. In addition, from technical and QC viewpoints, a range of successes and set-backs was produced and lessons and feedback from the achievements were obtained.



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