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Study on Short-length Lineaments in the Tono Area

佐々木 圭一; 太田 久仁雄 

Sasaki, Keiichi; Ota, Kunio


In this case study at the Tono Area, detailed lineament interpretation has been carried out with aerial photographs on a scale of 1:10,000, covering the RHS area, and the minimum traceable length and the spatial accuracy of mapped lineaments have been assessed by different methods. In addition, the correlation between the small lineaments and the actual geological structures identified in the previous field investigations has been discussed.The lineaments with length ranging from 300-400 to 1,000m can be accurately mapped on an 1:10,000 scale image and, here, the accuracy of their location is estimated to be about 20-60m. There appears to be a good correlation between such small lineaments and the faults/fractures. Since the frequency distributions of lineaments and fractures show similar fractal geometry, the fracture frequency can be estimated by the lineament data.



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