広域地下水流動研究におけるボーリング調査(DH-15号孔) 結果速報
Advance report of DH-15 borehole investigations
池田 幸喜; 鶴田 忠彦 ; 松岡 稔幸; 彌榮 英樹; 藪内 聡
Ikeda, Koki; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Mie, Hideki; Yabuuchi, Satoshi
The Regional HydrogeologicaI Study (RHS) Project, which commenced in 1992, has been performed in the 10km-square area. It was intended for the development of an understanding of the geological environment at the regional and local area. The DH-15 borehole was drilled to develop the techniques of evaluations for the fracture zones whose presence have been observed by previous surveys around the MIU Construction Site. This advance report summarized to familiar the results of borehole investigations to person interested and to evaluate preliminary issues. Interpretations and conclusions described in this report will be revised depending on the progress of analytical works.