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Report No.

Geological survey and initial stress measurement test consernig of "The crustal deformation study in the active fault zone"

Takemura, Tomoyuki*; Shingu, Kazuki*; Sakogaichi, Kaoru*; Nishikawa, Yuji*; Okada, Yoichi*; Nakajima, Toshihide*; Yamashita, Mitsugu*

The active fault survey tunnel that crossed the Mozumi-Sukenobu fault (MSF) is located at the Kamioka mine, northern Gifu prefecture, Central Japan. The comprehensive study of the active fault, such as the study of the earthquake mechanism and the development of the new initial stress measurement method is done by using this tunnel. One of the purposes of this investigation is to define the three-dimensional distribution of the MSF by geological survey, on the basis of the seismic and geophysical studies on this fault. The other purpose is to develop the new initial stress measurement method.



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