※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Irradiation performance test of PuO$$_{2}$$-UO$$_{2}$$ fuels by saxton reactor


安久津 英男*; 小泉 益道*

Akutsu, Hideo*; not registered


Mixed oxide (PuO$$_{2}$$-UO$$_{2}$$) fuel rods (four rods and oneassembly containing 68 rods) were irradiated to certificate irradiation performance of proto-typed fuel by saxton reactor to peak burnups of up to 8,050 MWd/mtm. linear power level was from 200 to 500 watts/cm. after irradiation, post-irradiation examinations were conducted in battelle's columbus laboratories (BCL). The post irradiation examinations were consisted of visual examination, profilometry, gamma scanning, fuel and clad metallography, burnup analysis, hydride analysis in claddings and clad strength tests. These examinations showed that the overall performance of the PuO$$_{2}$$-UO$$_{2}$$ fuel was satisfactory.



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