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Development of vitrification technique of HLLW in engineering scale at PNC


永木 裕; 荻野 直彦*; 角田 直己; 瀬川 猛*

Nagaki, Hiroshi; Ogino, Naohiko*; Tsunoda, Naomi; Segawa, Takeshi*


Some processes have been investigated to develop the technology of solidification of the high level radio active liquid waste generated from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at PNC. This report covers the present state of development of a joule heated ceramic melter and a direct megahertz induction heated furnace. An engineeing scale test has been performed by both of these melters. A joule heated melter could treat 45 kg glass an hour or 16 1/hr. A direct induction furnace was able to melt 5 kg glass per an hour or 1.8 1/hr. Both of the meltes were composed of refractory ceramics and electro-fused cast. Therefore, glass could be melted at above 1200 degrees celsius. At the higher temperature melting, the glass would be the more reliable, in general.



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