※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Certificate and Records of Halden IFA-554/555 Test Fuel Rods in PNC. Irradiation Program


小松 純治*; 横内 洋二*; 関 正之; 加藤 直人*; 飛田 典幸

Komatsu, Junji*; not registered; Seki, Masayuki; not registered; Tobita, Noriyuki


Halden IFA-554/555 irradiation test is planned to examine the fuel behavier of ATR type fuel under load follow reactor operation. Eight fuel rods for this irradiation test were fabricated in Plutonium Fuel Div. in Tokai Works PNC. These fuel rods install instruments for the measurement of fuel columnelongation, cladding elongation, plenum pressure and fuel center temperature. The fuel pellets were made from one type of PuO2 raw materials. It was obtained by precipitation directde nitration process . The fuel compositionis 4.4% PuO2-UO2(natural), and the pellet nominal dimension is 12.40 mm diameter and 13 mm height.



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