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アスファルト固化処理施設爆発時の各部屋境界部等の圧力評価-設備等の破壊強度解析--アスファルト固化処理施設施設 火災爆発事故の原因究明・再発防止に関する調査・検討-

Evaluation of pressure added to room boundaries by explosion at bituminization facility; Fracture strength analysis of damaged fixtures

菊地 直樹; 山内 孝道; 大森 栄一

Kikuchi, Naoki; Yamanouchi, Takamichi; Omori, Eiichi


This report describes the results of evaluation of pressure added to room boundaries by explosion at bituminization facility where the fire and explosion accident occured, for the purpose of investigating the cause of the accident. Concerning the fixtures such as shielding door and hatch which were installed on the boundaries between the rooms, the pressure necessary to destroy them was calculated in order to estimate the scale of explosion. Summary of the above results were shown in pressure evaluation drawings. In accordance with the evaluation, we can explain the explosion damage of the facilities quantitatively, and it will be able to estimate the pressure added to room boundaries.



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