※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Design of the HLW buffer

杉野 弘幸; 藤田 朝雄 ; 谷口 航 ; 岩佐 健吾; 長谷川 宏

Sugino, Hiroyuki; Fujita, Tomoo; Taniguchi, Wataru; Iwasa, Kengo; Hasegawa, Hiroshi


The Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) has prepared a second progress report (entitled H12) on research and development for geological disposal of high-level waste (HLW) in Japan. H12 report consist of a Project Overview Report and three Supporting Reports which cover the three major fields described in the AEC Guidelines: (1)evaluation of the geological environment, (2)repository design and engineering technology, (3)performance assessment. This report is prepared to explain background information of buffer design which is descried in Supporting Report 2 (Repository Design and Engineering Technology). In buffer design of H12 report, the design requirements of the buffer are assumed and the relationship between buffer thickness and density was shown corresponding design requirement as an area map. This report describes the background information such as the numerical formulations, assumptions, engineering judgement and so on.



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