※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

連成解析に係わる基盤情報調査研究; 成果報告書

Investigation research of core-basic information associated with the coupling analysis; result report

片岡 伸一*; 河原 憲一*; 松永 健一*; 石原 義尚*; 根山 敦史*; 中川 浩一*; 岩田 浩*; 森 康二*

Kataoka, Shinichi*; Kawahara, Kenichi*; Matsunaga, Kenichi*; Ishihara, Yoshinao*; Neyama, Atsushi*; Nakagawa, Koichi*; Iwata, Hiroshi*; Mori, Koji*


The newest literature information in the foreign countries was researched, and this research showed the basic concept of the coupling analysis code to realize coupling analysis in near field of the geological disposal system. The outline of this research is shown in the following. (1)The combination of M (Mechanical) and (Chemistry) is placed on the weak relations, Because coupling analysis of the United States Yucca Mountain limits a site and the specifications of engineered barrier. (2)One of the purposes of this research is information collecting about coupling analysis code NUFT-C adopted in the United States Yucca Mountain. Therefore, we carried out an information exchange with the United States Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. We could collect the development purpose of analysis code, key function, and information such as a test case analysis. (3)The investigation of the analysis code concerned with the newest information of coupling analysis which contains the geochemistry process and 2 phase system was done based on the public information for the purpose of building some concept of the coupling analysis code, the extraction of the development issues. It could be understood about the future development strategy and the precaution in addition to a phenomenon to deal with, the current status of the coupling analysis technique as a result of the investigation. (4)It was cleared about the mission of the coupling analysis code and the requirement items (function, quality) by this research. Then, some development options were presented. (5)It was studied about the procedure of developing it to satisfy the above requirement toward the conditions that a site isn't selected, the short development. The tool (Diffpack) which could cope with the speed-up of the calculation time and visualization flexibly was effective, and it was summarized about the test case by using this tool, the key function of this tool as that result.



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