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Report No.

Sorption behavior of neptunium onto smectite under reducing conditions in carbonate media

Kitamura, Akira  ; Tomura, Tsutomu*; not registered

Sorption behavior of neptunium onto smectite was investigated upder reducing conditions in carbonate media. Distribution coefficient (K$$_{d}$$) of neptunium on smectite was determined by a batch method as a function of total carbonate concentration (C$$_{T}$$) in a weak alkaline solution. The C$$_{T}$$ value ranged from 0.09 M (M$$equiv$$mol$$cdot$$dm$$^{-3}$$) to 1.0 M. The obtained K$$_{d}$$ value decreased with increase the total carbonate concentration. It was found that both Np(IV) and Np(V) coexisted in the solution by a TTA-extraction method. In the present experimental conditions, contribution of neptunyl ion, NpO$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$, carbonate complexes of Np(V), NpO$$_{2}$$(CO$$_{3}$$)$$_{n}$$$$^{(2n-1)-}$$ (n=1, 2 and 3), and a carbonatohydroxo complex of Np(IV), Np(CO$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$(OH)$$_{2}$$$$^{2-}$$, to the sorption onto smectite was expected. The K$$_{d}$$ values of respective species of neptunium were estimated by a least-squares fit to the experimental data. From the obtained K$$_{d}$$ values of respective species, sorption behavior of neptunium onto smectite was discussed.



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