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Results from synthesis of calculation cases illustrating overall system performance in the safety assessment in H12 report

牧野 仁史 ; 澤田 淳 ; 加藤 智子 ; 宮原 要  ; 内田 雅大

Makino, Hitoshi; not registered; Kato, Tomoko; not registered; Uchida, Masahiro


JNC (Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute) had proceeded R&D activities to provide a scientific and technical basis for geological disposal of HLW in Japan. The second progress report (H12) documented the progress of R&D and the Japanese version was submitted to the AEC (the Atomic Energy Commission) in November 1999. This report summarizes the calculation results for nuclide migration in "Synthesis of Calculation Cases Illustrating Overall System Performance", which are performed to examine the safety of the geological disposal concept in Japan in the Safety Assessment in H12 Report. In addition, a set of calculation result for nuclide migration through each pathway in one-dimensional multiple pathway model (a set of 48 segments) are summarized for the Reference Case in H12 Report, and calculated dose conversion factors are also summarized against the combinations of potential Geosphere-Biosphere Interfaces (GBI) and potential exposure groups. Digital data of the calculation results are summarized in Appendix CD-ROM as Microsoft EXCEL files.



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