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Study on the engineered barriers performance confirmation monitoring

長谷川 宏*; 納多 勝*; 本田 ゆう子*

not registered; Noda, Masaru*; not registered


There is an international consensus that the geological disposal should be essentially passive and safe without relying on the institutional control including monitoring. However, in recent years, many organizations have been discussing on a various types of monitoring in a repository from a societal demand etc. This study investigates the concept of monitoring in foreign countries and builds logic for monitoring designed to confirm the performance of the engineered barriers. This study also investigates the methodology for the engineered barriers performance confirmation monitoring applicable to the geological disposal concept shown in the H12 report. As a result of the investigation about the monitoring concept in foreign countries, the monitoring aiming at the performance confirmation of the engineered barriers is clearly defined only in the United States at present. However, each organization begins to discuss in the direction where the monitoring would be built into a decision-making process with a relation to reversibility in geological disposal program. With respect to the pre-closure monitoring, in-situ monitoring data acquired and accumulated for several decades from a siting stage, through the construction stage, to the end of operation will contribute to confirmation of safety and improvement of reliability of geological disposal by safety assessment. The purpose of the engineered barriers performance confirmation monitoring is defined to confirm that prerequisites for providing the engineered barriers performance and the behaviors accompanied by exhibition of performance would be within the range of prediction. The indirect measuring method of items both providing the engineered barriers performance and varying with exhibition of performance from the rock around the engineered barriers is proposed for the engineered barriers performance confirmation monitoring. As a measure for resolving the technical issues, the in-situ experimental plan in the ...



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