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 年 ~ 


Study for the water penetration chemistry of bentonite under temperature gradation environment; cutline report

原 直広*; 今北 毅*

not registered; not registered


This work have been studied for the water fluctuation in time and space in case of the ground water penetration into the unsaturated bentonite with development of the necessary test equipment. The test equipment necessary for this test, was designed on consideration of the adiabatic condition, sensors for pH, salt and water measurement. The thickness of the bentonite specimen was set to 10cm and the temperature slope was enable to set between 80$$^{circ}$$C and 100$$^{circ}$$C at the both end of the specimen. The water for penetration was pushed by gas constant pressure up to 1MPa. The glass electrode for pH, electric conductivity for salinity and moisture sensor for lower water content and water sensor for higher were used as the sensors. The fluctuation of salt and water in the ground water penetration test to bentonite was estimated. The sensor data were treated as parametric data, because those data could not calibrated in those high temperature and under those high bentonite swollen pressure. For another development should be needed for water sensor.



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