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Report No.

Study on the Development of Geological Environmental Model(II)

Tsujimoto, Keiichi*; Shinohara, Yoshinori*; Saito, Shigeyuki*; Ueta, Shinzo*; Ohashi, Toyo*; Sasaki, Ryoichi*; Shingo, Tomiyama*

The safety performance assessment was carried out in imaginary geological environment in the conventional research and development of geological disposal, but the importance of safety assessment based on the repository design and considering the concrete geological environment will increase in the future. The research considering the link of the major three fields of geological disposal, investigation of geological environment, repository design and safety performance assessment, is the contemporary worldwide research theme. Hence it is important to organize information flow that contains the series if information process from the data production to analysis in the three fields, and to systemize the knowledge base that unifies the information flow hierarchically.The information flow for geological environment model generation process is examined and modified base on the product of the research of "Study on the development of geological environment model" that of the research in 2002. The work flow diagram for geological structure and hydrology are modified, and those for geochemical and rock property are examined from the search. Furthermore, database design was examined to build geochemical environment database (knowledgebase) based on the result of the systemization of the environment model generation technology. The geochemical environment database was designed and the prototype system is build to contribute database design.



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