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Study on the Thermal Conductivity of the Low-Decontaminated Fuel

中村 雅弘  

Nakamura, Masahiro


The low-decontaminated fuel, which contains significant amount of fission products from the beginning of the irradiation, is investigated as a fuel for the advanced fuel cycle. Comparison between the measured and the estimated thermal conductivity shows Klemens-Adeles formula is appropriate to the estimation of the thermal conductivity of the low-decontaminated fuel. The estimated thermal conductivity of the low contaminated fuel is smaller than that of UO2 fuel by 16% at 500degrees, and by 7% at 1500degrees in case of the fuel originated from dry reprocessing. And they are 10% and 4% in case of the low-decontaminated fuel originated from wet reprocessing.



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