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Report No.

A Study about the Long-Term Stability of Sedimentary Rock

Yoshino, Naoto; Miyanomae, Shunichi*; Inoue, Hiroyuki*; Nashimoto, Yutaka*

In this paper, following two issues were examined and estimated, (1) The influence of near field condition factor to the dynamical behavior of sedimentary soft rock (2) The long term estimation of the dynamical behavior considering the condition of Horonobe area As the study about the influence of near field condition factor to the dynamical behavior of sedimentary soft rock, the thermal factor was focused on and the laboratory tests using test pieces which were sampled in Horonobe area were carried out under the water temperature were 20 degrees and 80 degrees. As a result, the time dependence parameter in variable-compliance-type constitutive-equation could be obtained. And comparison between creep property under 20 degrees and 80 degrees was conducted. In addition, the general properties of sedimentary soft rock under several conditions were identified by the survey of the literature. And the way how to confirm the dynamical properties of sedimentary soft rock with in-situ test were presented. For the study on the short-term and long-term stability of rock surroundig buffer materials, numerical simulations were carried out assuming several conditions. The direction of disposal tunnels and the ratio of rock strength by initial stress were estimated to be the main factor affecting the short-term stability of rock. Time dependency of rock and the stiffness of buffer material were estimated to be the main factor affecting the long-term stability of rock.



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