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 年 ~ 


Analysis of plutonium partially loaded core; Criticality and radial cupper reaction rate distribution

米田 平*; 浅野 雄一郎*; 小綿 泰樹*; 宮脇 良夫

not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


For the purpose of evaluating the accuracy of nuclear core design for plutonium loading ATR (Advanced Thermal Reactor), a series of critical experiments partially loaded with plutonium fuel assemblies has been carried out at DCA (Deuterium Critical Assembly). In this report, the analytical results on the criticallty and the radial cupper reaction rate distribution for clean core, in which no poisons such as controlrod were included, are described. The calculations were performed by making use of a cell calculation code METHUSELAH-2 and a few group diffusion code PDQ-5. METHUSELAH calculations were five energy groups, and PDQ calculations using the cell averaged group constants were two dimensions (X-Y) and three energy groups. The following conclusions were obtained from these analyses. (1)The calculated K-effective using an experimental axial buckling(B$$^{2}$$$$_{z}$$) well estimated the critical condition(K$$_{eff}$$=1) of plutonium loading DCA core. (2)The accuracy of the calculated peaking factors of radial cupper reaction rates, compared with experiments, was within$$^{+5}$$$$_{-8}$$ per cents for all cases.



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