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SWAT-1試験装置による大リーク・ナトリウム-水反応試験; 第IV報放出系特性試験の結果

Large leak sodium-water reaction test by SWAT-1 facility; Report No.4, results of relief system performance tests

田中 信夫*; 広井 博*; 大高 仁護*; 佐々木 和一*; 佐藤 稔*; 堀 雅夫*

not registered; Hiroi, Hiroshi*; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


Part of SWAT-1 facility was modified and relief system performance tests have been conducted in the period, June 1974 to March 1975. A series of seven large leak sodium-water reaction experiments have been performed and the test results have been analyzed by computer codes. A brief summary of the test results and analysis is as follows: (1)Many unclear problems associated with the wave-guide-type pressure measurements obtained earlier have been clarified. (2)Test results provided the relationship between the realized initial spike pressure with leak rate (water injection rate), the sonic speed measurements, and the relationship between the initial spike pressure with the strain measurments on the vessel wall. (3)Measurements were made of pressure, temperature, the amount of sodium transfer and the initial sodium velocity in the relief line, and etc. for various leak rate and two types of relief system configuration (top-and side-mounted systems). (4)The comparison of the SWAC-9A and SWAC-109 code calculations revealed that the SWAC-109 result agreed more closely with the test results than the SWAC-9A.



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