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大リーク・ナトリウム-水反応時の準定常圧力挙動計算コード:SWAC-13 -大リーク・ナトリウム-水反応試験解析(第2報)-

SWAC-13 : a computer code for the analysis of the behaviour of quasi-static pressure and sodium flow on large scale sodium/water reaction accidents in LMFBR steam generator.; Large leak sodium/water reaction analysis(No.2)

田辺 裕美*; 広井 博*; 佐藤 稔*; 堀 雅夫*

not registered; Hiroi, Hiroshi*; not registered; not registered


For the analysis of largc scale sodium/water reaction accident a computer program, SWAC-13 is developed to predict the behaviour of quasistatic pressure and sodium flow in the secondary cooling system composed of steam generators (EV, SH), IHX, and pipes, and pressure relief system composed of reaction product tank and pipes using network model by implicit method. Here reportted are modeling, the method of calculation, an outline of this code as users' manual and an example of simulation of SWAT-3 test. This code is written in JIS-FORTRAN computer language and requires 190 k bites core memories. It takes about 50 minutes for FACOM-230/58 to compute 10,000 steps for 29 links.



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