※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

大型炉反応度制御系の検討 : (液体ポイズン制御管による制御)

Study of reactor control system for commercial Fugen liquid poison control tube

若林 利男*; 飯島 一敬*; 速水 義孝*; 福田 研二*; 菅原 悟*; 宮脇 良夫

not registered; not registered; not registered; Fukuda, Kenji*; not registered; not registered


Liquid poison tube has been used for the fast shut-down system of reactor in the SGHWR and the zone control in the CANDU-PHW. In the present study of reactor control system for commercial Fugen, reactor control system using liquid poison tube was investigated from the view points of reactivity control, design and development. The fine and coarse reactivity control can be achieved with liquid poison level in double tubes similar to reactivity control by control rod system. Also, the fast shut-down of reactor is achieved with the same double tube in the fine and coarse reactivity control system without high-pressure head tank. Design evaluation of this system will be further discussed with development necessary for confirmation reliability and performance characteristics.



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