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蒸気発生器安全性総合試験装置(SWAT-3); Run-6試験結果 大リーク・ナトリウム-水反応試験(第11報)

Test results of Run-6 in steam generator safety test facility(SWAT-3); Report No.11; Large leak sodium-water reaction test

田辺 裕美*; 佐藤 稔*; 広井 博*; 綿見 正和*; 吉岡 真樹*; 堀 雅夫*

not registered; not registered; Hiroi, Hiroshi*; not registered; not registered; not registered


Large Leak sodium-water reaction tests have been carried out using SWAT-3 facility in PNC O-arai Engineering Center to obtain the data on the safe design of the prototype LMFBR Monju's steam generator against large leak accident. This report describes the resulting data of Run-6 test. The heat transfer tube bundle of the evaporator used was fabricated by HITACHI/BABCOCK HITACHI. The water injection rate into the evaporator was 9.4 kg/sec, which corresponds to test scale of 5.7 tubes failure in actual size system according to iso-velocity modeling. Pressure, strain, temperature, sodium level, void, thrust load, acceleration, displacement, flow rate, etc were measured during water injection test. Initial spike pressure was 12 kg/cm$$^{2}$$a nearest to injection point, and the maximun quasi-steady pressure in evaporator was 5.1 kg/cm$$^{2}$$a. The rupture disc of evaporator was bursted at 0.58 sec after water injected, and the pressure relief system was well functioned. No secondary tube failure was observed.



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