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「常陽」炉内中性子線量評価用解析コードの作成; 中性子スペクトル推定コードNEUPACの使用マニュアル

Production of analysis code for "JOYO" dosimetry experiment; User's manual of neutron unfolding code package "NEUPAC"

佐々木 誠; 中澤 正治*; 谷口 武俊*; 鈴木 惣十*

Sasaki, Makoto; not registered; not registered; not registered


As part of the measurement and analysis plan for the Dosimetry Experiment at the "JOYO" experimental fast reactor, neutron flux spectra analysis is performed using the NEUPAC (Neutron Unfolding Code Package) computer program. The code calculates the neutron flux spectra and other integral quantities from the activation data of the dosimeter foils. The NEUPAC code is based on the J1-type unfolding method, and the estimated neutron flux spectra is obtained as its solution. The program is able to determine the integral quantities and their sensitivities, together with an error estimate of the unfolded spectra and integral quantities. The code also performs a chi-square test of the input/output data, and contains many options for the calculational routines. This report presents the analytic theory, the program algorithms, and a description of the functions and use of the NEUPAC code.



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