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高速増殖原型炉もんじゅ仮想的炉心崩壊事故解析(I) : SAS3D計算コードによるHCDA解析(5分冊)

Analysis of hypothetical core disruptive accident in prototype fast breeder reactor Monju (I); Analysis of HCDA initiating phase by SAS3D code

石田 政義*; 遠藤 寛*; 青井 貞利*

not registered; not registered; Aoi, Sadanori*


A study of hypothetical core disruptive accidents (HCDAs) in the prototype fast breeder reactor Monju (714 MWt) has been conducted by using the SAS3D$$^{#}$$ accident analysis code. A loss-of-flow (LOF) due to the loss of off-site power and a transient overpower (TOP) due to control assembly withdrawal, both at rated power, are considered as the HCDA initiators with a postulated total failure of the reactor shutdown system. The accident scenarios of each postulated anticipated transient without scram are studied for the three burnup stages of Monju: the beginning-of-initial cycle (BOIC) ; a beginning-of-equilibrium cycle (BOEC); and an end-of-equilibrium cycle (EOEC). The neutronics data used in this study has been obtained by a 3-dimensional HEX-Z diffusion code and the first order perturbation calculations. The reactivity coefficients used in this study are the design nominal values without taking into account their uncertainties. The nominal design value of the maximum positive sodium void worth in Monju is a relatively small value of 2.5$ in the EOEC core. In the 2 cents/sec TOP, the reactor power shows a sudden increase following the onset of FCIs (Molten-Fuel/Coolant Interactions) in high-powered fuel assemblies but the maximum power level reached is less than 5 times the rated power and due to the fuel sweepout negative reactivity in the FCI fuel assemblies, the reactor is shutdown within 0.1 sec at the latest after the first FCI onset. The extent of damaged fuel assemblies is largest in the clean (FP-gas free) BOIC core in which the radial power peaking is smaller than in BOEC and EOEC cores, and about 17% of the fuel assemblies are damaged in the central region of the core. In the equilibrium cycle cores the damage extents are limited to about 5% core-center assemblies and this is smaller than in the BOIC core because of the larger radial power peaking and the rapid fuel sweepout reactivity insertion accelerated by the FP-gas pressure in the ...



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