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50MW蒸気発生器試験施設計算機応用(I) 運転監視システムの開発(その1)

Computer application techniques at 50MW steam generator test facility (I); Development of operation surveillance ( or operation monitoring) system for FBR plant

玉山 清志*; 岡町 正雄*; 土屋 毎雄*

not registered; not registered; not registered


Recently surveillance systems for nuclear power plants are increasingly required for the improvement of plant safety and availability. In order to establish the surveillance system of the prototype fast breeder reactor "MONJU", some techniques have been developed and applied to the 50MW Steam Generator Test Facility ty at OEC. As the first stage of the development, information display techniques for the plant operators and some anomalous state detection techniques are discussed in this paper. The operators can obtain such plant informations as digital and graphic outputs by cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and print out by a lineprinter and typewriters. Also the operators are informed of results of anomalous diagnosis by annunciator alarms moment by moment. Application tests of the anomalous state detection techniques have been carried out. These techniques include a cross check technique of multi-measuring system, a automatic detection system of a small scale sodium-water reaction, a differential alarm and prediction method of the time of anomalous occurrance and a display method of degree of superheat of evaporator (EV) outlet steam. It was concluded by our evaluation of the test results that those techniques are applicable to the "MONJU" design without major modification. We will develop new techniques and improve these systems to make them applicable to "MONJU", considering the "man-machine system", using this test facility.



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