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SSC-Lによる常陽自然循環試験解析 : 集合体出口冷却材拳動に関するパラメータサーベイ


山口 彰*; 吉川 信治* ; 二ノ方 寿; 須藤 正*

not registered; Yoshikawa, Shinji*; Ninokata, Hisashi; not registered


Natural circulation test conducted in the experimental reactor JOYO with its breeding core has been analyzed using the plant dynamics analysis code SSC-L. In order to perform this analysis, DHX model has been developed and added to the code. The whole plant of JOYO has been simulated and the following results has been obtained: (1)Good agreement has been obtained with respect to the primary flow rate and the peak of subassembly outlet temperature. (2)The coolant temperature at the top of subassembly is very sensitive to the modelings of primary pump frictional torque and the gap conductance before the temperature reaches the peak value. (3)Under the quasi-steady state condition after the temperature has passed its peak value, the secondary loop flow rate controls the heat removal rate through IHX and gives significant effects on the primary coolant flow rate, thus, the coolant behavior in the core. (4)The ratio of the decay power to fission power dominates the in-core coolant behavior both in short term and long term transients. As stated above, the coolant behavior is found to be very sensitive to the parameters which possess relatively large uncertainties. Therefore, it is concluded that the further sensitivity study is needed to give the quantitative upper and lower bounds of the estimates.



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