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原子炉容器モデル熱過渡強化試験; 第6報 非弾性解析と強度評価

Thermal transient strength test of reactor vessel model; Vol.6 Inelastic analysis and damage evaluation

渡士 克己; 近内 章一*; 小出 昭雄*; 今津 彰

not registered; not registered; not registered; Imazu, Akira


This report describes the inelastic analysis and creep-fatigue damage evaluation of a reactor vessel model subjected to severe cyclic thermal transient loadings between 250$$^{circ}$$C and 600$$^{circ}$$C. The object of this study is to present the prospect of damage evaluation method based on inelastic analysis. Many analytical results and evaluated results of the reactor vessel model are presented here, and discussed focusing on the application of inelastic analytical results to the design usage. The results are as follows: (1)Elastically evaluated strain ranges are more than two times larger than inelastically evaluated strain ranges. (2)Creep-fatigue damage directly evaluated from inelastic analysis showed that in some cases there was no safety margin. (3)A new method, including safety margin more than ten against creep-fatigue failure, is presented. (4)By this method, the safety margin could be rationally reduced compared with the current method based on elastic analysis.



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