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高速増殖大型炉の設計主要目に関する研究(II); 昭和62年度成果概要

Study on the main design parameters of large scale fast breeder reactor; Summary of works performed in FY 1987

谷山 洋*; 中西 征二

not registered; Nakanishi, Seiji


This report summarizes second year's results of "Study on the Main Design Parameters of Large Scale Fast Breeder Reactor "which is a three year program from 1986 to 1988 Each result is classified into the following categories according to its content. (1)Core design. (2)Fuel design. (3)Shielding design. (4)Development of core design method. (5)Investigation on the scale-down of the reactor vessel length. (6)Investigation on the piping length reduction of heat transfer system. (7)Investigation of the primary heat transfer system configuration. (8)Investigation of the secondary heat transfer system configuration. (9)Investigation of the decay heat removal system. (10)Investigation of the loop module plant. (11)Investigation of the fuel handling method. (12)Investigation of the seismic force reduction method. (13)Investigation of the safety design and evaluation guide. (14)Development of FBR cost evaluation code system. After detail evaluations and investigations, the final report for each program will be published, respectively.



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