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SUS304の高温多軸疲労挙動の検討 第1報 軸力-ねじり重畳負荷下における疲労挙動の検討

Evaluation of high temperature maltiaxial fatigue behavior of 304 steel (First report)

浅山 泰*; 青砥 紀身*; 和田 雄作*; 今津 彰

not registered; not registered; not registered; Imazu, Akira


A series of biaxial fatigue tests were conducted with 304 steel at 550 $$^{circ}$$C as the first step of a study on an evaluation of elevated temperature multiaxial creep-fatigue behavior of structural materials. The following results were obtained. (1)A fatigue life under a nonproportional loading decresed to 1/2 - 1/3 compared with a propotional loading. (2)It was shown that an equivalent strain range which is obtained by a strain path integration of mises type equivalent strain is promising to discribe the multiaxial fatigue behavior. (3)It was shown that further investigation should be concentrated on an effect of strain path and strain rate upon the multiaxial fatigue behavior.



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