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クリープ疲労損傷評価に用いる設計係数の策定に係わる解析,1; 切欠付き丸棒・フィレット付き帯板の解析

Analysis on the determination of design factors for creep-fatigue damage evaluation

根岸 仁 ; 谷川 雅之*; 霜越 穣*; 永田 敬*; 岩田 耕司

not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; Iwata, Koji


In the structual design for main components of FBR, it is important to determine the rational evaluation of creep-fatigue damage for the purpose of reliable and ecomonical structual design, because limit to creep-fatigue damage is dominant factor. But the improvement of the evaluation methods have been disturbed by scarcely knowledge of the stress-strain behaviors at local structual discontinuity overlapped with gross structual discontinuity. We performed inelastic parametric analysis concerned with the fundamental shapes, material properties and loads. The results are as follows. (1)There are differences in the strain concentration behavior at the part of stress concentration between round bar with a U groove (TYPE I) and stepped flat bar with shoulder fillets, stepped round bar with a shohlder fillet (TYPE II). Namely in TYPE I, local strains are enlarged both by the local discontinuity and the gross discontinuity and their effects should be considered in the form of multiplication. In TYPE II, the effects can be evaluated by selection of the larger between them. (2)In TYPE I, the stress relaxation behaviors could be estimated conservatively by using the equivalent elastic follow-up parameter q$$times$$K$$^{3/4}$$, where q is the elastic follow-up parameter for gross discontinuities and K is the elastic stress concentration factor. And the equivalent elastic follow-up parameter would be q in TYPE II. (3)It could be estimate rational and conservative elastic follow-up parameters to assumed to be elastic-fully-plastic material property. As a next step, it is neccesary to confirm the application of the previous results.



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