※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Neutron absorber effect of coolant void readivity in pressure-tube-type heavy water reactor

小綿 泰樹*

not registered


Reactor physics effect of two kinds of neutron absorbers used in the moderator of light-water-cooled pressure-tube-type heavy water reactors on coolant void reactivity is clarified by experiments and by theoretical analysis. These neutron absorbers are boron-10 burnable poison uniformly dissolved into the moderator and B$$_{4}$$C control rods locally inserted into it. Void reactivity arised by changing void fraction from 0% to 100% is measured by critical level difference method using a deuterium critical assembly (DCA). Measurements are compared with calculations by design code WIMS-D4 for Japanese co㎜ercial reactor. Experimental and calculated results presented in the range of 0$$sim$$-10$ agreed each other within $$pm$$1$. If an absorber of either poison or control rod is contained in the moderator, the neutron absorber has such an effect to move void reactivity to positive side. Amount of change of void reactivity to positive side is nearly proportional to poison concentration. Dependence of void reactivity on the number of control rods inserted is smaller than that of poison case and at the same time, it exhibits saturation tendency with regard to increment of control rod worth. The reason for a behavior of void reactivity due to the neutron absorber is investigated by the perturbation analysis. Neutrons are easily thermalized by light water in the pressure tube at lower void fraction and are diffused in part into the heavy water moderator. The absorption in the heavy water of the thermal neutrons is relatively increased by the existence of an absorber compared with that at higher void fraction.



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