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Report No.

Modification of the large leak sodium-water reaction analysis code, SWACS/REG4, for large steam generators having non-cover gas space.; (User's Manual)

Hamada, Hirotsugu  ; not registered; Himeno, Yoshiaki

"SWACS" is an integrated computer code consisting of four calculition modules to analyze the consequence of large scale sodium-water reaction: the initial pressure spike and its propagation in the secondary system, the quasi-steady-state pressure, and the water leak rate from failed tube that governs whole accident sequence. The original SWACS code was developed for prototype fast breeder reactor to evaluate the accidents in their steam generators having cover gas spaces. Following to the development, modification of the code is conducting to apply it to steam generators having no-cover gas spaces as well as to improve an accuracy of the ealculated results. So far, modifications of the initial pressure spike and its propagation calculation modules have been completed. Therefore, the present user's manual was prepared. This report presents the overview of the modified version of the code. Its contents are the calculation flow, the input/output format, the calculation models, the date files, the results of sample calculations, and the operation of plotter program.



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