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 年 ~ 


Accident analysis of the RTCB(Run-to-Cladding Breach) test pins

千歳 敬子*; 斎藤 好彦*; 多田 尚子*

Chitose, Keiko*; not registered; not registered


In the experimental fast reactor "JOYO", PNC schedules to test the high-burnup capability of LMFBR. This study is performed for the license of the test at the shifted core (shift a control rod from the third row of core to the fifth row, for the expansion of irradiation space). Firstly, we caluculate the temperatures of the spare pins, which are adjacent to the RTCB test pin, at the anticipated transients and accident of the plant with the superposition of the FP gas blanketing released from pin failure. Then it proves that all of these maxium temperatures, that is, the fuel center and cladding middle temperature of the spare pins, and the fuel center temperature of the test pins are lower than the safety criteria (spare pin: pellet; 2680$$^{circ}$$C, claddlng; 890$$^{circ}$$C, and test pin: pellet; 2620$$^{circ}$$C). Secondary, we analyze the performance of the test pin to forecast the time of pin failure. The main factor of the pin failure is high pressure of the plenum gas. Contact pressure of FCMI(fuel-cladding-mechanical-interaction) is low. From the view point of CDF(cumulative-damage-factor), the results show that the pins don't fail on the condition of local maximum burnup rate lower than 26at%.



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