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Extension and maintenance of finite element nonlinear structural analysis system "FINAS" (IV)

千葉 隆久*; 上野 睦郎*; 大鹿 順司*

not registered; not registered; not registered


A general purpose finite element nonlinear structural analysis system FINAS has been developed since l976 for fast breeder reactor (FBR) components. Extension, improvement and maintenance of this system has been continued hitherto. This report describes the results of the work which was carried out during March 1990 September 1990. FINAS is equipped with basic capabilities of a general purpose program as the results of the past ten years development. However improvement and enchancement of this system are needed to cover more wide range of problems. In this year, inelastic analysis, contact analysis, fracture mechanics analysis, dynamic analysis were mainly extended, improved and developed. The first part of this report is the result of maintenance and extension obtained in this year. In second part, the theory of structural analysis and numerical method employed in FINAS are described. Finally, numerical examples intended for verification and demonstration of applicability to practical problems are illastrated.



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