JASPER Experiment analyses (VI)
茶谷 恵治; 庄野 彰; 鈴木 惣十; 金城 勝哉; 半田 博之*; 清水 康幸*; 門田 弘和*
Chatani, Keiji; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered
動力炉・核燃料開発事業団は、米国エネルギー省(DOE)との共同研究としてオークリッジ国立研究所(ORNL)の原子炉施設TSF(Tower Shielding Facility)を用いて大型炉遮蔽ベンチマーク実験(JASPER計画、Japanese American Shielding Program of Experimental Researches)を実施している。本報告書は、平成3年度に実施したJASPER実験解析、既存TSF実験解析および遮蔽解析手法の検討等について研究成果をまとめたものである。以下に、主要な研究成果を記す。(1)JASPER実験解析平成3年度は、平成2年8月から12月にかけて実験が行われた軸方向遮蔽実験の解析を中心に実施するとともに、平成3年2月から9月にかけて実験が行われた炉内燃料貯蔵(IVS)実験の解析も一部実施した。解析には、JASPER実験解析で標準的に採用している高速炉遮蔽解析システムを用いた。(軸方向遮蔽実験解析)本研究は、燃料集合体の上・下部に設けられる軸方向遮蔽体の遮蔽特性を研究するため、B4 Cまたはステンレス鋼を遮蔽材とした4種類の実験供試体を用いて実施された。平成3年度の本実験解析の結果、次の結論を得た。
JASPER (Japanese American Shielding Program of Experimental Researches) is the cooperative research program between PNC and US-DOE using TSF (Tower Shielding Facility) in ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) as the experiment facility. This report summarizes the works in FY'1991 as follows; Planning the experiment configuration for JASPER Program, Analyses of the JASPER Program experiment, Analyses of the former TSF experiment, and Development of the methods for FBR shielding analyses. (1)Analyses of the JASPER Program Experiment In FY'1991 Axial shield Experiment data were mainly analyzed, and some of In-vessel Fuel Storage (IVS) Experiment data were also analyzed. The Fast Reactor Shielding Analysis System developed by PNC has been applied to the analyses for JASPER Program experiments. (Axial Shield Experiment Analysis) Axial Shield Experiment was conducted from August 1990 through December 1990 as part of a continuing series of eight experimennts planned for the JASPER Program. The experiment serves not only to provide data for the verification of analysis system in calculating the neutron streaming in each design, but also to provide a basis for determining the shielding effectiveness of stainless steel (SS) and boron carbide (B
C). four types of experimental configuration were used. The conclusions of the analyses are as follows: (a)For the spectrum modifier which provides a spectrum of neutron representative of those incident on the axial shield for the FBR core, the two-dimensional calculation showed good agreement with the experimental data. It was confirmed that the two-dimensional calculation could estimate the experimental data with almost the same accuracy as in the analyses for the Radial shield Attenuation and the Fission Gas Plenum Experiments. (b)For the homogeneous mockups, the two-dimensional ealculation could give the good agreement with the experimental data. (c)For the central blockage type mockups, in which the coolant flows ...