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Model development of elementary processes of irradiation damage in materials (I): The influence of Nb content and solution treatment temperature on microstructure change of materials

室賀 健夫*; 渡辺 英雄*; 荒木 邦明*; 吉田 直亮*; 宮本 好雄*; 高橋 伸幸*

not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


This report describes the irradiation experiments in Kyushu University as detailed in the schedule and specification of the contract signed on 16 November 1994 by PNC and Kyushu University. The swelling behaviour of two different types of PNC316, which will be used as the high burnup fuel pin cladding of the fuel assemblies for MONJU, showed slight difference depending on the level of niobium addition and/or solution annealing temperature during C-type irradiation experiments in JOYO. The objectives of the present study is, therefore, to understand the fundamental rules of niobium addition and the solution annealing temperature on void swelling behaviour of PNC316 under irradiation. In this study, two different PNC316 stainless steels (K557 and S553) were used and irradiated with highly controlled electron beams in a high voltage electron microscope (HVEM). Interstitial and vacancy type defect formation of PNC316 were strongly affected by the migration energy of point defects and the binding energy between pont defects and niobium. The present results revealed that the role of cold-working on precipitates (MC and phosphide) stability is essential to understand the microstructural evolution of PNC316.



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