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Post processing system for multi-dimensionaI thermal-hydraulic analyses

三宅 康洋*; 中根 茂*; 西村 元彦; 木村 暢之

Miyake, Yasuhiro*; not registered; not registered; Kimura, Nobuyuki


ln the conventional visualization system for the computational results, only Japanese (Nihongo) Line Printer (NLP) was available to print two dimensional cross sectional plots of vector and scalar fields. To evaluate the phenomena, an analyst had to print many plots on the NLP. This task makes difficult to check the computational results immediately after the calculation. Recently, as the visualization tools, we introduced Micro AVS and Field View which are utilized widely in the scientific and the industrial fields. ln order to show the numerical results on the visualization software, we constructed a post processing system which convert the results of the numerical code to "lntermediate files" which can be read by the visualization tools. As using this system, the examination of the numerical results can be executed on the display of the personal computer. Furthermore, the persuasive report and paper with high quality can be produced due to the color printing. As for the transient calculation, the change of the phenomena can be visually evaluated by using the animation function.



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