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 年 ~ 


A feasibility study of the particle interaction method for the flow regimes with the chemical reaction; (Report under the contract between JNC and Toshiba Corporation)

白川 典幸*; 堀江 英樹*; 山本 雄一*; 松宮 壽人*

Shirakawa, Noriyuki*; not registered; not registered; not registered


The numerical thermohydraulic analysis of a LMFR component should involve its whole boundaly in order to evaluate the effect of chemical reaction within it. Therefore, it becomes difficult mainly due to computing time to adopt microscopic approach for the chemical reaction directly. Thus, the thermohydraulic code is required to model the chemically reactive fluid dynamics with constitutive correlations. The reaction rate denpends on the binary contact areas between components such as continuous liquids, droplets, solid particles, and bubbles. The contact areas change sharply according to the interface state between components. Since no experiments to study the jet flow with sodium-water chemical reaction have been done, the goal of this study is to obtain the knowledge of flow regimes and contact areas by analyzing the fluid dynamics of multi-pahse and reactive components mechanistically with the particle interaction method. For the first stage of the study, the applicability of this method to the nalysis of a liquid jet into the other liquid pool was investigated. Based on the literatures, we investigated the jet flow mechanisms and analyzed the experiment of a water jet into a gasoline pool. We also analyzed SWAT3/Run19 test, the jet flow in a rod bundle, to study the applicability of the method to a complicated boundary without a chemical reaction model. The calculated fluid dynamics was in good agreement with the experiment. Furthermore, we studied and formulated the paths of phase change and chemical reaction, and conceptually designed the adopting the heat-transfer-limited phase change model and the synthesizd reaction model with a water-hydrogen conversion ratio.



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