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Report No.

Study of safety aspects for pyrochemical reprocessing systems

Kakehi, Isao; Nakabayashi, Hiroki 

In this study, we have proposed the concept of safety systems (solutions of safety problems) in pyrochemical reprocessing systems (lt consists of pyrochemical reprocessing methods and the injection casting process for the metal fuel fabrication, or vibro-packing process for the oxide fuel fabrication.) which has different concept from the existing PUREX reprocessing method and pellet fuel fabrication process. And we performed its safety evaluations. FoIlowing the present Japanese safety regulations for reprocessing facilities, we pointed out functions, design requirements and equipments relating to its safety systems and picked up subjects. For the survey of safety evaluations, we first selected anticipated events and accident events, and second by evaluated 6the correspondence of the limitation of the public exposure to the accidents above, by using two parameters, the safety design parameter (the filter performance to confine radioactive matelials) and the leak inventory of radioactivities, and last by picked up its problems. ln addition to the above evaluations we performed basic criticality analyses for its systems to utilize these results for the design and evaluation of the criticality safety management system. Thus this study specified the concept of safety systems for pyrochemical reprocessing processes and then issues in order to establish safety design policies (matters which must consider for the safety design) and guides and to advance more definite safety design.



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