※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Benchmark problems on thermal striping evaluation of FAENA and TIFFSS sodium experiments


笠原 直人; Lejeail, V.*

kasahara, Naoto; Lejeail, V.*


Since thermal striping is a coupled thermohydraulic and thermomechanical phenomenon, sodium mock-up tests were usually required to confirm structural integrity. CEA and JNC have devdoped evaluation procedures of thermal striping to establish design-by-analysis methodology for this phenomenon. Attenuation of temperature and stress amplitude was one of the most important factors in the integrity assessment. Since this attenuation depends on frequencies of temperature fluctuation, benchmark problems based on frequency control tests were planned to confirm above procedures. One of benchmarks Provided by CEA is temperature and fatigue evaluation of tubes and plates due to channel flows. Another problem from JNC is the same evaluation of plates subjected to vertical jets. This report explains details of both experiments and defines the benchmark problems.



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