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 年 ~ 

JNC contribution to the Benchmark Problem on thermal transient strength evaluation of a welded vessel


笠原 直人

kasahara, Naoto


Fatigue and creep-fatigue strength of welded joints are lower than base metals, when applied to elevated temperature components subjected to cyclic thermal transient loading. CEA and JNC have developed design evaluation procedures for considering strength reduction of weldments in elevated temperature components. It was planned to compare both procedures based on the same benchmark problems under EJCC contract. One of benchmarks provided by CEA is fatigue and creep-fatigue evaluation of welded plates due to reverse bending at 550$$^{circ}$$C. Another problem by JNC is creep-fatigue evaluation of a welded vessel due to cyclic thermal transient loading. Point of view of the later problem is comparison of total strength evaluation of base metal and welded joints against actual loading conditions. This report describes details of the TTS experiments and defines the JNC benchmark problem.



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