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Study on reactor safety for various FBR plant concepts (1); Results in 1999

丹羽 元; 飛田 吉春; 藤田 朋子; 遠藤 寛; 石田 政義; 栗原 国寿; 川田 賢一   

not registered; Tobita, Yoshiharu; not registered; not registered; Ishida, Masayoshi; not registered; not registered


The Phase I of the Feasibility Studies on Commercialized Fast Breeder Reactor Cycle System is being performed for two years from Fisca1 Year (FY) 1999. This report describes the results obtained in FY 1999 as an interim report of the Phase I from the viewpoint of reactor safety for various FBR plant condidates. The objectives of the study are to understand the safety charaeteristics of advanced fuel and to examine the fulfillment of the target level of reactor safety in each plant concept. The items studied are the recriticality characteristics of degraded core for various core concepts, investigation of the measures for avoiding recriticality event, safety analysis of sodium cooled MOX fueled cores, target of void worth in core design for sodium cooled reactors, and investigation of core disruptive accident sequences in various reactor concepts. The results of this study have been reflected properly to the core and plant design. In FY 2000, the study will be continued along with the progress of the plant design in order to prepare for the judgment of the candidates from the viewpoint of reactor safety.



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