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Report No.

Irradiation tests report of the 35th cycle in "JOYO"

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This report summarizes the operating and irradiatlon data of the experimental reactor "JOYO" 35th cycle. Irradiation tests in the 35th cycle are as follows: (1)C-type irradiation rig (C4F) (a)High burnup performance test of advanced austenitic stainless steel cladding fuel pins (in collaboration with France) (2)C-type irradiation rig (C6D) (a)Large diameter fuel pins irradiation tests (3)Core Materials Irradiation Rig (CMIR-5) (a)Cladding tube materials irradiation tests for "MONJU" (4)Structure Materials Irradiation Rigs (SMIR) (a)Decision of material design base standard of structure materials for prototype reactor and large scale reactor (5)Upper core structure irradiation Plug Rig (UPR-1-5) (a)Upper core neutron spectrum effect and accelerated irradiation effect (6)SurVeillance un-instrument Irradiation Rig (SVIR) (a)Confimation of surveillance irradiation condition for "JOYO" (b)Material irradiation tests (based on a contract with universities) The maximum burnup driver assembly "PFD253" reached 67,600 MWd/t (pin average).



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