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An Evaluation of ULOF event sequences for pin-type MOX-fueled; carbon-dioxide-cooled fast breeder reactor

山野 秀将   ; 飛田 吉春

Yamano, Hidemasa; Tobita, Yoshiharu


We carried out the analyses of a core-disruptive-accident (CDA) sequence using a SIMMER-IIl code for a pin-type MOX-fueled, carbon-dioxide-cooled fast breeder reactor, which is a one of candidate concepts in Phase I of Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle System. The objectives of this study were: to draw a rough sketch of CDA event sequences, to understand the characteristics of CDA, and to judge whether the measures to eliminate energetic recriticality are necessary or not. In the present analysis, an unprotected loss-of flow(ULOF) accident was chosen as a representative CDA. The analysis showed that a power burst occurred when the reactivity reached prompt criticality as a result of molten cladding relocation out of the core. The negative reactivity feedback due to Doppler effect determined the power peak and the energy release. High pressure generation as a result of rapid heating of the channel gas by the ejected molten fuel and fission gas discharge allowed the molten fuel to disperse mainly toward a downward direction, which has the small flow resistance, then the reactivity settled down under the sub-critical condition. This sequence did not vary much qualitatively, even if a smaller reactivity ramp rate was applied to take into account the incoherency of the molten cladding motion. The gas-cooled reactor has no measures to mitigate the positive reactivity effect caused by the molten cladding motion. However, the mechanical loading to the reactor vessel boundary is negligibly small due to the absence of liquid coolant as a working fluid for the slug impact even if the recriticality occurs. On the other hand, the countermeasure to prevent the upper core structures (UCS) from being accelerated as a solid missile by the high pressure in the core just after the fuel disruption might be necessary. In the present design with the short lower axial blanket (LAB) of 10cm length, the measure for avoiding the energetic recriticality is not ...



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