ナトリウム-水反応ジェット解析コード(LEAP-JET)の開発 -ナトリウム-水反応試験(SWAT-1R)による検証-
Development of LEAP-JET Code for Sodium-Water Reaction Analysis - Validation by Sodium-Water Reaction Tests (SWAT-1R) -
清野 裕
; 小野 功*; 浜田 広次

Seino, Hiroshi; Ono, Isao*; Hamada, Hirotsugu
FBR蒸気発生器(SG)の設計基準水リーク(DBL)の選定は、プラントの安全性、経済性等に影響を及ぼす重要事項の一つである。特に大型炉SGのDBL選定に当たっては、Na-水反応事象を高精度で合理的に評価するための計算モデルの確立が必要不可欠となる。大型炉用SGにおいては、近年の設計進捗に伴い、高温ラプチャ型破損伝播事象に対して検討の必要性が示されている。高温ラプチャ挙動は、Na側の反応域温度分布に大きく影響されることから、その評価手法の開発が重要となる。本報では、この目的で開発したNa-水反応ジェット解析コード(LEAP-JET)について、SWAT-1R試験データにより検証し、以下の結果と検討課題が得られた。(1) 現状のLEAP-JETでは、反応速度定数Kの値は0.001
The sodium-water reaction event of FBR steam generator (SG) has an influence on the safety, economical efficiency, etc. of the plant, so that the selection of design base leak (DBL) of the SG is considered one of the important matters. The development of an analysis model is necessary to estimate the sodium-water reaction phenomenon with high accuracy and rationality in selecting the DBL of large SGs. The reaction jet model is pointed out as a part of the necessary improvements to evaluate the overheating tube rupture, since the behavior of overheating tube rupture is largely affected by the reaction jet conditions outside the tube. Therefore, the LEAP-JET code has been developed as an analysis code for the simulation of sodium-water reactions. This document shows the validation of the LEAP-JET code by the Sodium-Water Reaction Test (SWAT-1R). The following results have been obtained. (1) The reaction rate constant: K is estimated at between 0.001
0.1 from the LEAP-JET analysis of the SWAT-1R data. (2) The analytical results on the high-temperature region and the behaviors of reaction consumptions (Na, H2O) and products (H2, NaOH, Na2O) are considered to be physically reasonable. (3) The LEAP-JET analysis shows the tendency of overestimation in the maximum temperature and temperature distribution of the reaction jet. (4) In the LEAP-JET analysis, the numerical calculation becomes unstably, especially in the mesh containing quite small sodium mass. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the computational algorism to be stable and obtain the optimum value of K in sodium-water reactions.