※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

「常陽」MK-III性能試験; 等温温度係数測定(NT-333)

JOYO MK-III Performance Test; Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Measurement (NT-333)

横山 賢治   ; 諸橋 裕子 ; 前田 茂貴   ; 関根 隆 

Yokoyama, Kenji; Morohashi, Yuko; Maeda, Shigetaka; Sekine, Takashi


In the experimental fast reactor JOYO MK-III performance test core, the isothermal temperature coefficient was measured. There was a systematic difference between the result of ascending temperature measuament and that of descending temperature measurement. However, it was removed by the correction of thermal expansion effect of the control rod extension tubes. Finally, -3.82+-0.17x10^-3%dk/kk'/C was obtained as a measured value of the isothermal temperature coefficient. From this result, it was confirmed that isothermal temperature coefficient is a negative value and the calculated design value, -3.88x10^-3%dk/kk'/C, agrees with the measured value well.On the other hand, a detailed analysis based on JUPITER standard analysis method was carried out. In this analysis, transport effects and ultra fine group effects were evaluated. The calculated isothermal temperature coefficient has two main components, Doppler broadening of neutron cross section resonances and thermal expansion of the fuel and core. The items contributing to the thermal expansion include the coolant density reduction, the core radial expansion and the fuel axial expansion. In addition, the isothermal temperature coefficients of the MK-I, MK-II cores were evaluated by using the same method and differences among the cores are discussed. The calculated value by JUPITER standard analysis method became -3.68x10^-3%dk/kk'/C (C/E-value:0.96) and it agrees with the measured value within measurement error.



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