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Report No.

Development of the Automatic Control Rod Operation System for JOYO; Appreciation of apply to MK-III reactor operation

Terakado, Tsuguo ; Hoshino, Katsuaki; Suzuki, Shinya ; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

The automatic control rod operation system was developed to control the JOYO reactor power automatically in all operation modes(critical approach, cooling system heat up, power ascent and power descent), development began in 1989. Prior to applying, we are examined possibility of apply to the automatic control rod operation guide system which developed in MK-2 operation to get the control rod operation guide data in MK-3 performance tests. The main results are as follows: (1).Critical approach mode in control rod operation guide function will be need tuning of fuzzy algorisms structure for changed MK-3 reactor critical point. (2).Cooling system heet up mode, power ascent mode and power descent mode will be supply to good guidance at MK-3 reactor operation. Because, power change rate and cooling system heet up rate same MK-2 reactor operation. (3).Plant operation guide function will be need change, based on MK-3 reactor operation manual. (4).The automatic control rod operation guide system will be need renewal for system maintainability.



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